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HOW DO I SPENT MY WEEKENDS? Is it spent with just with myself or with others or whatever?

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HOW DO I SPENT MY WEEKENDS? Is it spent with just with myself or with others or whatever? Empty HOW DO I SPENT MY WEEKENDS? Is it spent with just with myself or with others or whatever?

Post by Admin Sat Nov 10, 2012 5:11 am

Feel free to share here whatever you think as your most common way of spending your weekend. Cheers

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HOW DO I SPENT MY WEEKENDS? Is it spent with just with myself or with others or whatever? Empty Time for recharging

Post by Admin Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:54 am

Weekends for me is usually spend by relaxing and performing weekend errands as well as chores. Surfing the net also takes a lot of my weekend time. Love doing that since it helps me enriching myself with information that I know will benefit me in the future. Moreover I believe that it is not just solely for self-consumption that I do that rather it is also intended to realize my desire to reach out to others by sharing my resources, my time, and my self with them. Sense of joy is what I earn in doing so. There is no greater expression of extending oneself to others except by making oneself available for them.

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Age : 58
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